Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Birthdays!

Both of the boys' birthdays are in May.

On May 9th Will celebrated his 2nd birthday!

He got a lot of things, but was pretty impressed with his 1st Harley. PawPaw Shortie should be proud. Even got the right color!
May 31st was Austin's 5th birthday!

He too got a lot of stuff; however, I truly thought the kid was going to cry he was so happy he got the movie he wanted! He literally was shaking!

Now, we are out for the summer & hopefully will get to visit with friends & family. One more bit of exciting news. I will now be working as an aide at the preschool that both of the boys will be attending. Stormy is very happy & Austin seems to be as well. Will, doesn't totally understand yet. I though, am super excited.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Austin participated in the annual trike-a-thon at school. He did pretty good & was a little encouraged by seeing a couple of kids riding without training wheels. We'll see!

The little girl next to him is the one he insists on saying that he is going to marry!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun Times!

Since having my surgery, Daddy & Cindy came & got the boys for a visit. The boys had a blast, but not having them for 5 days was a little hard on me! I missed them like crazy, but it helped out tremendously! They loved spending time with PawPaw Shortie & Grandma Cindy!


Well spring is here & soon summer will too. In South Texas that means hot & I have two little boys that I'm tired of messing with their hair. You know what that means, haircuts! It is no big deal with Austin. He has had his hair like this many times. My baby however, well, it is going to take getting used to!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday before church & the boys looking very handsome!

Then their dad took a photo and got them to pose!

Finally, after church they got to hunt some eggs that we dyed the night before!

Easter 2009

We had an egg hunt & dinner at MawMaw & PawPaw's a day early this year. The boys had a lot of fun. It was also fun since it was Payton's first Easter. Will gave her a bunch of eggs. You just can't tell by looking at his basket. I think we all went a little overboard on the candy this year!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Okay, so I had the surgery. All went really well. I am a little sore at times, but all in all doing great. Now, I just have to keep being reminded not to pick up anything over 5 lbs for 6 wks. Nothing over 20 lbs for 3 months. Seriously, don't think the doctor has a two year old.

Beautiful pic, right? HA!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Austin helped mow the yard for the first time today. First Stormy is teaching him to change the oil in the truck, then let him use power tools to work on the house & now mowing. I think Stormy is working on his plan to get out of having to anything around the house.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Will's Special Day

Sesame Street Live Came to Town

Will had a couple of days all to himself with big brother out of town with Granda. So, we did the best we could to fit in as much as we could on one of those days.
The day started off with Sesame Street Live.

I was really exited to see that we were going to have good seats.

Will didn't really understand when I said we were going to see Elmo, but he soon understood & was fascinated!

After the show was over, we had to wait for Daddy to come pick us up. Thank goodness, the Watergardens are connected to the Auditorium.

After that we had lunch at WaterStreet Oyster Bar (okay, that was more for Mamma) and then went walking around Water Street Market.

After that we walked to Nana's office for a short visit. After that we drove down & looked at the boats on the sea wall. After leaving the sea wall, Will fell asleep in the truck for a short nap. Then finally, we finished the day off with a tractor ride with Uncle Paul.

Needless to say, Will (and Mamma & Daddy) had a full day and went to bed about 30 minutes early that night!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We had to get out of the house the other day so that a realtor could show our house. I was trying to find anything to do to kill time & decided to see if the Watergardens were running. Luckily they were. The boys had never been & they both just loved it. Austin especially enjoyed flicking mamma & brother with the water. Will just seemed to be in total amazement. Needless to say I had to promise to take them back for a picnic.

I had to post a picture of Will. He is growing so fast & starting to talk a lot. Mostly he just repeats. He is the total opposite of his brother. Independent is an understatement for him & loves to test the limits. A LOT!

As you can see, Austin is starting to turn into his father. He loves helping out around the house, which we officially put on the market a few weeks ago.
The cross he made with some spare wood & nails that he found while we were working on the house.
He was also very proud that he helped his dad change the oil for the first time.

Valentines Day

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone. The boys had a blast making candy necklaces that Austin received at his Valentine's Day party at school.
Austin did a great job copying all of the kids names onto the valentines that he handed out. He will tell you though that he was extra careful copying Trinity's. The boy is in love.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Trying out the first blog

Okay, so my cousin Lori has a blog for her family, The Keese Klan, and I love how it keeps everyone informed. I don't know how good I will be at blogging, but I'm hoping to become better as time moves on.